Dear my darling McDonalds.
Who is this "I'm" in your slogan, because no one is loving' it. Every person that walks in McDonalds doors knows what shit they are about to consume: fat, sugar and chemicals. They probably walk past multiple outlets that serve nutritious, hearty and healthy food that is prepared faster than McDonalds or even comes ready to eat right off the shelf. But no, even dieting women blindly waddle past these these cheap healthy food joints and bounce their way to your golden arches. It should be a crime to market your food as a healthy option. The thrown sprinkle of shredded McLettuce, lying on your McTurd patty, does jack-shit for a women's thigh circumference. What's worse is when you associate your oil soaked brand with the beacon of dieting, Weight Watchers. These obese women as well as their rollie-pollie husbands and off-spring now think BigMacs are healthy. You're twisting people's perceptions of food. Your international brand has a chance to redeem itself and actively promote exercise. No, not a clown on packaging or jingles on TV, but rather a McGym, a McRunningGroup and a McFatCamp is what I want to see. It's taking up the other end of the bargain. It's giving back to the society you have harmed and it's making a change in the world's obesity statistics. The McMarketingMasterMinds won't need to brainwash our numb minds into thinking Maccas is health, but rather preach it honestly.
I wanted to make the connection between McDonald's burgers and its ingredients. The ingredient list is something most customers never get to see. Every product has a paragraph of ingredients, and most ingredients have numbers (344,220,310) and percentages (34%). It is far from natural. The photo also expresses how unnatural the packaging is.
I wanted to make the connection between McDonald's burgers and its ingredients. The ingredient list is something most customers never get to see. Every product has a paragraph of ingredients, and most ingredients have numbers (344,220,310) and percentages (34%). It is far from natural. The photo also expresses how unnatural the packaging is.