Final Poster

Taken in a McDonald's Toilet Cubicle

I took what McDonalds is subliminally associated with and added it into my poster. 
  • The star shape is seen in most of their adverts as the place where the price is located. 
  • The simple basic font in the logo
  • The recognizable shape of the fries packaging
  • The Infamous red (#ED1C22) and yellow (#FFC20F)
  • The golden arches
  • 'Mc'

It all implies McDonalds without copying them directly. 

I specifically used abrasive language to contrast McDonalds 'fun' and 'happy' appearance and marketing angle. McDonalds uses positive emotive language like 'succulant' and 'crisp', but words like shit and fuck directly appose this.

I used a cut out method in the main heading, revealing the gross B&W burger and logo underneath, to visually display McDonald's need to have transparency in their menu and methods. Allowing customers to witness their food being prepared is not enough.
