Blog 2
A continuous curve through history is movement in objects, climaxing in the Baroque period, where you can feel the push and pull of a painting or decadent object by just looking at it. In that period, it was definately a reflection of the great need for sensuous objects, acting as a mirror to our dreams and fantasies. But where has that flamboyant Rococo style gone today? The need and desire for the movement, fantasia and entertainment that was given through the Rococo style, has been acheved with the introducton of films, photography and interative technologies. These modern methods connect to the senses and feelings like the Rococo style did in previous centuries. When we look around, our day to day objects have become masculine, yang and purely functional, becoming a means to portray the feminine. Take the iPad for example; the extreme masculine structure serves the perpose of showing the feminine fantasica that eminates through the screen. The same idea can be seen in modern architecture. Strict, harsh, neo-classical lines now serves the purpose of presenting and housing the ying movements of its inhabitants.